
Kali ini Aisyah nak story about my job in FOOD SAFETY field. Actually Aisyah masih baru dalam bidang ni. But I desire to improve my knowledge and skills in FOOD SAFETY especially in CERTIFICATE application such as HALAL certificate from JAKIM, MeSTI certificate, HACCP certificate and the biggest cert is GMP certificate.

From what I have experienced in a year with my company (I mean the place that I work for). I already face about  10 HALAL projects. For this first year I set my mission to have expertise in this field especially in HALAL application certificate.

Even my bosses also encourage me to try manage this project from A to Z which mean from give quotation to client until client get their certificate.

Based on my experience, usually company that need our consultation are company that do not have enough time or staff to manage this application because this application need to take time to key in all data and also need to follow up with MAJLIS AGAMA ISLAM NEGERI. Each state have their own way to approve the HALAL certificate.

So I think this is a good advantage for those company do not want to waste their time to apply this certificate. I think next I will share about what is the advantages if take consultant to apply your HALAL application. Got to go ---> PUBLISH!

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